Adding and Editing Questions

Questions can be added and edited by the PME. See more details about user rights in the User Roles and Permissions chapter of this documentation.

The Questions area of Settings is a repository of all monitoring questions, each of which has related information attached to it.

Rows can be sorted by columns in ascending or descending order.

Users can choose the number of displayed Question per page using the drop-down field at the bottom of the list:

Adding a New Question

To add a new question, users can click the "+" button at the bottom right corner of the question list:

The following form will appear on the screen:

When users create a new question, they can define the following characteristics:

  • Question text;

  • Sections enable accessing a filtered list of questions for each entity selected for monitoring. The list of options includes the sections configured in the eTools workspace such as Child Protection, Education, Health, and others. Users can choose as many sections as the particular question applies to. If a Section is not selected for a particular question, the question will appear in all monitoring activities, regardless which sections are performing them; This functionality of associating questions to sections allows for custom templating (if desired), giving the ability for Chief of section or PME to customize which questions show up for which monitoring activities. (eg: If Health section is performing a field monitoring visit, the section can set up custom questions that will only be available if the Health section is selected in the Field Monitoring Activity, therefore sparing other sections the effort of removing health questions from their checklists)

  • Collection Methods include Key Informant Interview, Focus Group Discussion, Observation.

  • Group reflects MoRE’s Framework groups and allows choosing from the following options: Supply, Demand, Do No Harm, Enabling Environment, Quality, and Community Engagement;

  • Question Target Level allows FM to produce lists of questions organized by Partner, Output, and PD/SSFA. Each question in field monitoring has to relate to only one "level".

  • Counts towards HACT defines whether the question, when implemented as monitoring activity, is in support of HACT compliance. There is only one question in the whole system, which has to always relate to the "Partner" level, that can be selected as "Counts toward HACT". This question will drive the automatic HACT compliance calculation, and will increase the number of programmatic visits with one for each Monitoring Activity associated with the Partner Organization in question, that has completed status and a summary finding for this question.

  • Is Active allows users to define whether a question will appear as an option while preparing an FM activity. Notice that inactive questions still remain in the question bank;

  • Answer Type includes such options as Text, Number, Boolean, and Likert Scale.

To add a new question to the question bank, a user can click the Add button.

Question Editing

Users can edit a particular question by clicking the Edit button:

The editing form is identical to the one described in the Adding a New Question chapter:


Users can apply one or more filters by clicking the Filters button at the bottom right corner of the Questions area:

In the drop-down list of available filters, users can select as many options as needed. Selected filters will appear on the filtering toolbar, as shown below:

By clicking one of the added filters, users can select particular filtering criteria:

To remove applied filters, click the Filters button, and then choose Clear All:

Last updated