Logging Known Issues

The issue tracker allows logging known issues related to a Partner, CP Output, or Site/Location. These issues will then appear in the Data Collection plan during field monitoring activities involving any of the above categories.

For each issue shown, the default is a compact list. Clicking the down arrow shows who has raised the issue, who last modified it, and when. If an issue were closed, the user would see who closed it and when:

Issues also can contain associated files that may be downloaded by the user. To get access to attached files, click the corresponding field in the Attachment(s) column:

In the appeared window, click the Download button:

Issues Filtering

The issue tracker allows filtering available issues by CP Output, Partner, and Location/Site. Users can apply as many filters as needed selecting them from the drop-down list. The search field helps to find a required filter by its name:

Users can also filter by New Issues. The new issue is defined as being active and currently relevant. An issue ceases to be new after its status has been changed to Past by a user. Only the New issues will be visible in the activities:

Adding a New Issue

To add a new issue, click the "+" button:

The following form will appear on the screen:

It allows creating issues related to a particular CP Output, Partner, or Location/Site. According to the chosen option, users can select Partner name from the list of all Partners, CP Output from list of all CP Outputs, or Site from a list of all Sites using a drop-down list:

The Status of the newly created Issue can be set as New or Past:

The Issue field allows adding a short description of the issue:

If required, users can attach documents to the new issues. To do this, click the Upload File button and choose the file you want to attach. Users can add as many files as needed:

To add a new issue, click the Add button.

Issues Editing

To edit one of the available issues, click the Edit button:

The editing form is identical to the one described in the Adding a New Issue chapter of this documentation:

Last updated