User Management
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Current Plans to enhance are in place to include the ability to manage Portal Users on the Frontend by developing a User Management System for the UNPP portal.
Current user management is restricted to Super Administrators with access to the Django Administrative Interface (as represented in the diagram above).
Below, we elaborate on the enhancements for what will be possible for Portal Users to have control in regards to Roles & Permissions within both Agency and Partner Portals.
In UNPP, user management is an important feature required to add users, assign and reassign roles and location and deactivate user accounts. Both Partners and Agency users need to have this ability.
The user management feature gives CSOs the ability to provision portal access to users from their organization. In addition, CSOs can assign roles and permissions, reassign users from one location to another as well as deactivate users from their organization’s account.
The CSO has been granted access to the portal.
The head of organization and person who registers the organization (if different from the head of organization) have administrator role and permissions for the account registered.
The user who registers the CSO account on the portal and the head of organization are automatically given administrator roles on the portal.
Key Functionality & Controls
Ability to add users to their organization
Ability to assign roles and permissions to users in the organization
Ability to deactivate users from the organization
Ability to change user’s roles and permissions
Ability to reassign users to a different location.
Ability to restrict user management access to CSO administrator
Ability to restrict a user to only adding users to their own organization
Ability to restrict reassigning users to a different location to INGOs
Ability to scan organization’s users against the UN Security Council’s Sanctions List
The user management feature allows for participating agency users to be assigned roles and permissions on the portal. It also allows for participating agencies to reassign users’ roles and location as well as deactivate user accounts. The user profile feature allows an agency user to view information on their user profile and edit some information on their profile.
Participating agency users have access to the portal
Key Functionality & Controls:
Ability for all participating agency users to have reader permissions as a default.
Ability for participating agencies to assign additional roles & permissions to the agency’s users.
Ability for participating agencies to assign users to multiple countries (locations) with the same or different roles & permissions in each country location.
Ability for participating agencies to modify permissions within a role.
Ability for participating agencies to reassign agency users to different country locations.
Ability for participating agencies to deactivate user accounts.
Ability for super administrators to add, assign roles & permissions, relocate users and deactivate users from a CSO account.
Ability for participating agencies users to view their user profile and perform the following actions: • View their permissions setting • Edit their contact details (except for email) • Manage their notification frequency on CFEI updates
Ability to restrict assignment of roles and permissions to users with administrator or HQ editor permissions.
Ability to restrict user management of CSOs to users with super administrator permissions.
Ability to restrict country administrators and HQ editors to managing users for their specific agency.
Ability to restrict modification of permissions to within a role group, and permissions groupings.
Ability to restrict altering permission settings to administrator or super user.
Partner HQ administrator (for entire organization)
Partner administrator (for country location)
UN country administrator*
UN super administrator
Please see most recent R&P Matrix for further understanding.
UNPP has introduced the following roles implemented in UNPP which are separated mainly by two types of users:
Partner Users
Agency Users
HQ Administrator
Partner HQ Administrator is a CSO user with ability to perform the following features:
Register a CSO account.
Create and edit profiles.
Add/deactivate users.
Provision country profiles.
Deactivate CSO’s account.
Submit and delete concept notes.
Accept or decline partnership offers from the UN.
The Partner HQ Administrator has the same permissions at both HQ and Country levels.
The Partner HQ Administrator is only applicable to those CSOs that are international NGOs.
HQ Editor
Partner HQ Editor is a CSO user with the ability to perform the following features:
Edit their organization’s profiles.
Submit and delete concept notes.
Accept or decline partnership offers from the UN.
This user has the same permission at both HQ and Country levels.
The Partner HQ Editor is only applicable to those CSOs that are international NGOs.
Partner Reader is a CSO user with view permissions at the country profile level. If a member of an INGO, this user also has view permissions of the HQ profile (e.g. An Oxfam Kenya reader can view both the Oxfam Kenya and Oxfam HQ profiles). A partner reader situated in INGO HQ has view permissions across all country profiles within the organization, as well as of the HQ profile (e.g. An Oxfam UK reader can view the Oxfam Kenya, Oxfam Ethiopia, Oxfam Bangladesh profiles, as well as the Oxfam HQ profile).
Country Admin
Partner Country Administrator is a CSO user with specific permissions for a country profile of an organization.
This user can perform the following actions:
view the HQ profile if a member of an international NGO.
View and edit profile.
add/deactivate users.
submit and delete concept notes.
accept or decline partnership offers from the UN.
For national CSOs, this role can also deactivate partner account.
Country Editor
Partner Country Editor is a CSO user with specific permissions for a country profile of an organization, and view permissions of the HQ profile if a member of an international NGO.
This user can perform the following actions:
Edit profile
Submit and delete concept notes.
Accept or decline partnership offers from the UN.
Super Administrator
Super Administrator is an agency user with full administrative permissions throughout UNPP.
HQ Editor
HQ Editor is an agency user with permissions to verify profiles of all CSOs on the portal, including the HQ profiles of INGOs.
The HQ editor can view all observations. The HQ editor can review those observations that have been marked with a risk flag and escalated, and either mark these with a red risk flag or defer them back to country offices.
Additionally, this user can assign roles and permissions to users in their organization and manage the content on the knowledge library.
Administrator is an agency user with permissions to assign users of their agency with a role within the administrator’s country.
Advanced Editor
A UNICEF and WFP user with ability to create and/or publish CFEIs and DSRs including from Unsolicited Concept Notes for their agency. This user can select a CSO for a partnership opportunity. An advanced editor can also verify and add observations to a CSO’s profile within their country of operation. An advanced editor may be assigned by the focal point to be a member of the CFEI review team
Basic Editor
A UNICEF and WFP user with ability to create, but not publish, CFEIs and DSRs including from Unsolicited Concept Notes for their agency. A basic editor may be assigned by the focal point to be a member of the CFEI review team
MFT User
MFT User is a UNHCR user with ability to select a CSO for a partnership opportunity either through the CFEI or DSR process. An MFT user can also add observations to a CSO’s profile. An MFT may be assigned by the CFEI creator to be a member of the CFEI review team.
PAM User
PAM User is a UNHCR user with ability to create and publish CFEIs for UNHCR. This user can also create, but not publish, a DSR from Unsolicited Concept Notes for UNHCR. A PAM user may be assigned by the CFEI creator to be a member of the CFEI review team
Focal Point
In all UN agencies, a focal point for a CFEI or DSR is selected at the time of CFEI/DSR creation. For UNICEF and WFP, this focal point must be an advanced editor (not a basic editor or reader). The focal point on a UNICEF or WFP CFEI can manage the entire review process of that CFEI, including the ability to pre-select applications, compose the review team, and view all review scores. The focal point on a UNICEF or WFP DSR has the ability to edit and publish the DSR.
For UNHCR, the focal point must be a MFT user (not a PAM user or reader). The focal point on a UNHCR CFEI can view all review scores. The focal point on a UNHCR DSR has the ability to publish the DSR.
Focal Point is an Advanced Editor or MFT user with ability to manage the assessment process of a specific CFEI, including the ability to:
Pre-select concept notes
View all review scores.
Issue a partnership offer to a CSO.
Additionally, advanced editor (but not MFT user) has the ability to nominate members of the review panel.
CFEI Reviewer
CFEI Reviewer is an Agency user assigned by the focal point or CFEI creator to review and score preselected concept notes in a CFEI.
The Reviewer is restricted from viewing other reviewers’ scores during the time that the assessment of concept notes is in progress. (The exception to this restriction is IF the Reviewer is also the Focal Point or the creator, THEN they have the ability to view all scores.)
The permissions are limited to only the CFEIs assigned to the user.
Reader is an agency user with view only permissions on UNPP. This user has view rights on CFEIs from his agency as well as other agencies, but only upon CFEI finalization. At that time, the reader can only see the application “selected” by the UN for that CFEI.
User Roles & Permissions Matrix