
Left Navigation Drawer:

The left side of the Portal UI is a dedicated navigation panel broken into the most basic and fundamental sections a user can access valuable information.

Below is a list of links that can be found in the Left Navigation Drawer:

Agency Nav Drawer

The Agency Navigation Drawer overall shares the same UI throughout each Agency User Type, with the acceptation of a few features for Admin Roles. We will break down the flows in the following section.

High-Level Navigation

  • Dashboard

  • CFEIs

  • Partners

  • Agency Settings

  • Agency User (Quick Switch) Toggle

Partner Nav Drawer

The Partner Navigation Drawer overall shares the same UI throughout each Partner Type, with the exception of a few features for Admin Roles. We will break down the flows in the following section.

High-Level Navigation

  • Dashboard

  • CFEIs

  • Your Applications

  • Profile

Last updated