Special Reports (SR)

This report type is used in different situations to request the IP to provide specific information on an ad hoc basis in PRP. This report is not associated with any outputs or indicators or in any way related to QPR’s and HR’s (see in below sections). In this report, the IP provides the following information:

  • A narrative text (2000 characters or less #931). Required field.

  • At least one attachment is required.

The workflow for the special report(s) (special report 1, special report 2, etc.) includes accept/send back functionality with PMP and the system validates if the report was submitted by a or on behalf of which Authorized Officer as registered in PMP.

The report due date(s) is generated in PMP. This report does not require a start and end date and hence none of those will be shown in PRP. The report itself will be generated 1 month before the due date. Special Report is never final (#730)

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