Indicators form the core concept of PRP. They are a way to measure progress on a certain goal. Indicators are usually specific to one or more locations, have targets/baseline/in-need associate with them and the core concept against which then progress is reported on.
The PRP platform currently supports two types of indicators:
Quantity (#) - These are usually an integer / number on how progress should be reported.
Percent/Ratio - This implies that progress will be reported as a fraction (numerator and denominator). The system supports then displaying the progress either as a percentage (till two decimal points) or a ratio (X / Y).
IP Reporting
Indicators are associated with LLO's or Lower Level Outputs, which are further associated with a PD. These indicators and their details are defined in the PMP system.
Cluster Reporting
Indicators in cluster reporting can be associated with one of the following:
Cluster Objective - Very high level objectives for the cluster. Typically a cluster might have 2-6 different objectives. As an example "Strengthen capacity of national authorities and local partners, to ensure effective, decentralised nutrition" could be an objective.
Cluster Activity - Link to a Cluster Objective and is a description of what actions / activities need to happen to meet that objective.
Partner Project - See glossary. It can belong to one or more clusters and have its own set of indicators. Can be thought of as a container for activities to belong to.
Partner Activity (w/ Project Context) - an activity that the partner is doing in the context of partner project. Partner Activity Indicator(s) are segregated per project context. There are two kinds of activities supported:
Associated with a cluster - in this case partner adopts a cluster activity and hence its associated indicators and reports progress on it, which will then contribute to progress on the cluster activity.
Custom - Something they will create and only is associated with them and not directly with any cluster activity.
For cluster objectives and activities the indicators are defined by the IMO. For partner projects and partner custom activities they are typically defined by the partner themselves. IMO can also create partner projects, and partner activities on behalf of partner.
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