Reporting to UNICEF
Last updated
Last updated
The indicator reports tagged in blue represent indicators that have been associated in a PD this partner is assigned to. The reporting of the aggregate data happens to UNICEF with a certain percentage reported to UNICEF. See screenshots / details here.
A future use-case that PRP can be extended to support is the ability to be able to report progress to other agencies / funding sources as well, other than UNICEF.
If a partner has not adopted this cluster activity in PRP-Cluster, but on of the cluster activity indicators is associated with this partner's PD in PMP, then PRP will assume adoption of this activity (and all its indicators) by this partner.
The locations that show up for these indicator reports are a combination of ones the partner has added in PRP-Cluster and ones that might be configured for this indicator in this partner's PD in PMP.
Only locations that the UNICEF PMP expects are reported back. In PRP-Cluster all locations will show, but in PRP-IP only the ones configured in PMP for this partners' PD will show.