Data Collection

Once the field visit assignment has been accepted, the Staff or TPM in charge of implementation can commence the monitoring activity and collect the required information and data. The Collect section is organized by Collection Methods including:

  • Key Information Interview;

  • Focus Group Discussion;

  • Observation;

  • Measurement;

  • Participatory appraisal.

The questions are further divided according to entity: Partner, PD/SSFA or CP Output:

Whenever applicable, the information source is also displayed:

The field monitoring agent fills in at least one of the checklist questions for each interviewee or group. For each method, the fields to fill in responses can receive one of the following information formats:

  • Narrative input

  • Numerical input

  • Boolean (Yes/No) input

  • Likert Scale (3, 5 or 7 options)

The set of questions can be downloaded in PDF format, to facilitate offline data collection and print out to take into the field.

Default questions are based on the MoRES determinants, and all require Likert scale answers. PME users can configure the questions in the Settings section to cover more diverse formats.

The question editing screen can be accessed by clicking the Edit button:

The top of the screen is for indicating the source of information:

The top of each entity box is reserved for an overall finding related to that entity. There is also a place to upload files to link with each entity per method:

Multiple field monitors can collect information and attach files on the same monitoring activity. Once uploaded, files are also available for download by users with access.

The Save button saves the made changes. There's an opportunity for continued editing of these details until the FM report is submitted for approval.

Once all monitoring activity information has been uploaded, the user can click the Finalize button to move to Report Finalization:

Last updated