
Objectives of the Field Monitoring Module

The Field Monitoring Module will achieve the primary objective of facilitating Country Offices (COs) in systematic planning and management of field monitoring consistent with related UNICEF guidance, including facilitating site-specific and overview analysis of field monitoring data feeding into partnership management and programme monitoring, both contributing to strong results based management.

Specific objectives include:

  • Facilitating systematic planning of field monitoring with reference to priority expected outputs, geographic coverage and management of risks;

  • Enabling the development of tailored data collection tools and specify methods and reference standards, all with reference to specific outputs;

  • Enabling the easy access and analysis of background information to prepare specific field monitoring site visits, including the facility to attach specific documents for reference (especially for TPM who cannot access all internal data);

  • Enabling structured data collection on-site during field monitoring visits (off-line) as well as summary analysis of findings across multiple data collection methods (on-line), always linking findings to specific CP outputs and partners expected contributions and tailored data collection checklists.

  • Allowing the capture, referral/tasking, categorization and management of action points, including automatic notification of follow-up actions to UNICEF staff members; this component will be built separately and integrated with the Field Monitoring Module as it serves multiple eTools modules;

  • Generating field monitoring reports in a standard format for sharing with partners and other stakeholders;

  • Enabling overview analysis of data from multiple field monitoring visits, including:

  • Analysis on the progress of outputs (outputs at CP level and at the level of partners Programme Documents);

  • Analysis of issues identified in field monitoring visits that cut across CP outputs/partners;

  • Filtering data by business unit, CP outcome, section, geographic region, time period;

  • Enabling analysis of the implementation of field monitoring as compared to planned as well as implementation of action point follow up, with similar detail analysis and filtering options;

  • Integrating in all the above the HACT programmatic visit requirements within overall field monitoring;

  • Enabling field monitoring to be carried out by TPM by linking to the TPM portal;

  • Enable linkages between field monitoring visits to the Partnership Management Module and the eventual Work Plan module;

  • Enable country, regional and global analysis for management and strategic decision-making.

Last updated