The purpose of the site visit functionalities is to:
Support structured offline data collection and analysis following field monitoring visits, including analysis of findings across multiple data collection methods and linking findings to specific CP outputs and partners expected contributions.
Allow the capture, referral/tasking, categorization and management of action points, including automatic notification of follow-up actions to UNICEF staff members. (This component will be built separately but integrated with the Field Monitoring Module);
Possibility to register guests or link to partner names registered in Partnership Management Module thus allowing partners to be part of data collection team
Action Points in the Field Monitoring Module are covered by/connected to the future Action Point module.
A number of key data collection functions will be off-line, with checklists and key background documentation being downloaded prior to a site visit, and the synching back on-line to allow the summary analysis functions to be completed.
Ability to see an overview of the scope of the site visit planned including expected methods of data collection (and recommended types for focus group discussions and key informant interviews) and the related CP outputs and specific partners/PDs to be covered by each, as well as issues identified for further probing by the Programme Manager (from Preparation) all while off-line.
Ability to download key background information from CP overview (see no. 2 above) for later view while off-line
Ability track at least in narrative any changes to planned meta-data for the site visit, i.e. team names, date, while off-line.
Ability to select a given method (key informants, focus group discussion, observation, measurement) and corresponding check lists, organized by CP output and relevant partnerships, and to record findings in relation to each checklist item (progress as planned/not as planned/not applied, and narrative), all while offline.
Ability for each team member to start different a checklist, partially complete it and navigate back and forth between started and new checklists as they complete them, and then identify as final (completed as far as possible). Each checklist will be saved as draft or final and synched when there is connectivity.
Ability to add action point for a specific visit or for a site report and link it to other site visits by same FM team staff/days of site visits, while off-line.
Ability to access and add attachments for the visit and for findings specific to checklist item, while off-line (photos, videos). (Attaching pdfs or documents will be on-line.)
Ability to see when everyone in team has synched before doing the summary analysis.
Ability to record a summary analysis of findings for each CP output/partner relevant to the site, both overall and with reference to each checklist item. This is done when there is connectivity.
Ability to view and navigate back to completed checklists by CP output and relevant partnerships when doing summary analysis. This is done when there is connectivity.
Ability for individual users to confidentially report directly any suspected cases of prohibited conduct to OIAI, sending a notification to the user, without it showing in the report or data system